Frac Sand

McLanahan在设计和制造完整的湿法处理解决方案方面处于行业领先地位,以生产油气钻井所需的压裂砂. With the demand for frac sand rapidly increasing, producers are under constant pressure to meet those demands, as well as the ever-changing specifications, all while keeping production costs low. 压裂出砂装置必须具有足够的灵活性,通过采用最新的设备技术来适应这些变化. McLanahan的压裂砂解决方案可以帮助生产商满足这些苛刻的要求和规格.

页岩油和天然气的开采依赖于支撑剂的使用,以维持水力压裂引起的裂缝. 最常见的支撑剂是由高质量的二氧化硅和砂岩沉积物制成的,被称为压裂砂. In order to be used as frac sand, the naturally occurring silica sand must exhibit many unique natural qualities, including roundness, high strength and purity. In addition, 压裂砂必须经过精心加工,达到非常苛刻的规格和非常严格的公差.


McLanahan的各种破碎解决方案使压裂砂生产商能够从大块岩石和砂岩巨石中释放石英,同时将砂粒中的内应力裂缝降至最低. 该公司提供初级和二级破碎机,采用压裂砂行业常用的基本还原原理-压缩和冲击-来破碎砂岩簇以进行进一步处理. McLanahan破碎机能够以最小的功率和较少的机器磨损以最大的体积释放二氧化硅颗粒.

Types of Crushers for Frac Sand


McLanahan提供固定式和便携式筛分和施胶设备,有效地实现压裂砂所需的粗端分离, as well as scalping off the unwanted fractions. With McLanahan’s screening equipment, the smaller particles of sand fall through the screen media, and the larger particles of sand remain on the screen media to be further processed. McLanahan筛分设备还提供了一个机会,水被引入到过程中,以水化沙子,为随后的细端分离做准备.

Types of Screening Equipment for Frac Sand

Washing & Classifying

Frac sand must be exceptionally clean in order to meet the end user’s specifications. 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全洗选分级设备可用于砂粒的脱泥, 并进行细端分离,为干法加工阶段准备进料. McLanahan提供的设备可以在压裂砂行业中进行非常严格的分类. 该设备可以确定哪些材料进入压裂砂,哪些材料进入废料, and separate it accordingly.

Types of Washing & Classifying Equipment for Frac Sand


用于水力压裂的沙子必须是纯净的,并且相对没有杂质,这些杂质会阻塞天然气和石油的泄漏通道. 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全洗涤设备采用颗粒对颗粒的摩擦去除粘土和其他有害物质,以提高砂的浊度. It can also be used to break apart any remaining sand particle clusters.

Types of Scrubbing Equipment for Frac Sand


McLanahan脱水设备可以去除压裂砂材料中的水分,以便在干燥处理阶段将其堆叠起来进行进一步处理. Efficient dewatering can reduce fuel consumption at the dry processing stage, reduce trucking of water, reduce residual fines and improve turbidity of final sand. 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全脱水设备提供了一个一致的可堆叠和输送材料与低水分含量.

Types of Dewatering Equipment for Frac Sand

Fines Recovery

使用McLanahan细砂回收设备,可以回收旋风筛或脱水筛无法回收的140 ~ 400目非压裂砂材料. 他们的设备可以帮助压裂砂生产商回收尽可能多的细砂,从而生产出潜在的可销售菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全粉回收设备也可以防止这些材料进入沉淀池, 哪一种方法可以减少或消除压裂出砂器的沉降池.

Types of Fines Recovery Equipment for Frac Sand

Tailings & Water Management

With many environmental regulations in place today, 对于大多数压裂砂处理设施来说,通常都有某种尾矿管理系统. 典型的压裂砂厂流出物或尾矿可能包括由细砂组成的- 70目, silts and clays; water; and solids concentrations of 3 to 10% solids by weight. McLanahan尾矿管理设备帮助压裂砂生产商回收尽可能多的工艺用水进行再利用, and get the solid fractions into a state that can be easily/safely handled, stored or sold. It also allows producers to reduce or eliminate settling ponds, 同时也降低了将材料泵入沉淀池的能源成本.

Types of Tailings & Water Management Equipment for Frac Sand


Because sand particles must meet certain requirements to be considered for frac sand, sampling for quality and consistency is an important part of the production process. McLanahan的机械取样系统为压裂砂生产商提供了取样应用的最佳解决方案,确保最终用户获得的砂能够承受地球的碾压力,并允许被困在岩石中的天然气逃逸. McLanahan机械采样系统还确保满足美国石油协会等组织的采样标准.

Types of Sampling Equipment for Frac Sand

Frac Sand Plants

McLanahan的工程师完成了专门设计的湿式加工厂,用于生产石油和天然气钻井行业中压裂砂所需的关键分离. Frac Sand Plants include a combination of McLanahan’s field-proven, 最先进的设备,确保二氧化硅沉积物的处理,以满足行业的严格要求. 根据麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全认可的实验室所确定的沉积物特征, McLanahan will design a custom Frac Sand Plant to liberate silica particles, remove non-silica contaminants, remove clay impurities, remove non-frac sand size fractions and break up clusters.

Why McLanahan

With years of process team knowledge, McLanahan是北美最有经验的湿式压裂砂加工厂制造商. The company has a solution for all stages of the frac sand process, including crushing, screening, washing and classifying, and dewatering, as well as fines recovery, sampling and water management. With their equipment, McLanahan can make your site more efficient, more productive and more profitable.

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